Rental Rates
Minimum stay is 3 nights during peak season and 2 nights the remainder of the year. Change over days during peak season are Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays (vacation Sun-Sun, Sun-Wed, Sun-Thurs, Wed-Sun, or Thurs-Sun).
***If the whole house is rented, we charge the cost of each unit minus a $50/night discount ($850/night during peak season and $700/night in the off season).
Quoted Currency: American $
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Rental rates are for the entire property.
Description | From | To | Weekly | Monthly | Week Night | Weekend Night | Minimum Stay |
Peak Season - The Pier | 26 May 23 | 04 Sep 23 | $3150 | - | $450 | $450 | 3 Nights |
Off Season - The Pier | 04 Sep 23 | 24 May 24 | $2625 | - | $375 | $375 | 2 Nights |
5% tax will be charged as well as a cleaning fee of $180.